I've been meaning to write this post since Peyton turned 15 months old....one month ago. So, here is what Peyton has been up to this past month!
Peyton's stats at her 15 month check up: 32 inches (90%), 25 lbs 8 oz (75 - 90%), head size 97%!!
Peyton loves to wave and say hi to all animals, whether they're real, stuffed, in a book, or on TV.
Peyton says: mama, dada, hiyeeee, buh bye (this has turned into buyeeee), lala, papa, nana, gggg gggg (too hard to type out, but it's the same thing I called my sister when I was a baby), night nigh for sleep and her paci, giti for guitar, uh oh with great inflection, baa baa for sheep, mmmm for cow, roar (in a soft whisper) for a lion, pants and barks for a dog, thank you (doesn't quite sound like that, but we know what she means)
Peyton gives kisses, and it is so sweet!
Peyton also gives her stuffed animals and animals in books kisses :) She also makes her animals give each other kisses!
She is very good about putting things back where she got them from.
She still loves music and dances when she hears it.
Peyton puts her hand to her ear when she hears something (as Heather said when she babysat a few weeks back, Peyton hears a lot :) )
Peyton loves airplanes! When she hears one, she puts her hand to her ear and looks up into the sky to try to find it.
Peyton loves bouncing, throwing, and kicking balls.
She does the following signs: more, please, thank you, help, eat, and water. All of these are not the exact sign language sign, she's modified them all into her own language, it's pretty funny.
She goes "ahhhh" after taking a drink.
When I ask for one of her Cheerios, she bites one in half, then gives me the small piece (she now gives me a full Cheerio).
When I'm laying on the floor (on my stomach or back), she comes and sits on me!
Peyton LOVES shoes and purses! We are so very worried about what this love will look like as she gets older...hopefully it is just a short phase! She will go into my closet and take out my shoes (she's also very good about putting them back) and play with them. She recently started trying to put them on her feet. She was able to get her foot in my running shoes and walked around in them, but when her feet slipped out, she got very frustrated. She also put her foot into one of Matt's work boots one morning; so, Matt put the other boot on her...too cute! She will also walk around with random "purses"/bags on her arm with her little wrist like below. She can put things into her purses and take them out and carry them around all day!
Peyton is starting to learn how to communicate. The other day someone tooted, Peyton laughed, then put her hand to hear ear, then patted her diaper :)
Peyton LOVES to sweep and swiffer! I'm pretty sure it's because she sees me doing it all the time since our house is on the market. It's pretty amusing because she gets quite upset if she isn't allowed to "help" sweep.

Peyton truly is such a joy! We are having so much fun watching her personality develop. She has a great sense of humor and a teasing nature. She gets this little glimmer in her eye when she's teasing you or just trying to be funny in general. She is going through a "Mommy" phase and loves to be around me. She loves to sit in my lap, be held by me, a lot of times she'll run up to me and try to climb up my leg. I'm trying to enjoy this as much as possible because I know it won't last, and I really do love it!!! Peyton still loves her daddy, and gives him more kisses than anyone (one reason being he is more persistent than anyone else) and gets very excited when she sees him. Peyton is still an excellent eater and sleeper. She takes one nap a day in the afternoon and it averages about 1 hr 45 minutes, but many times she'll sleep for 2 hours (yay!). Peyton has begun throwing more tantrums (i.e. when I won't pick her up when I'm cooking dinner), which has been interesting. The good thing is they don't last long, and we're learning how to handle them a little better. Peyton seems to understand most of what we say and usually will do what we ask her to do (assuming she's in the right mood ;) ). Peyton is pretty reserved when we're out in public. She doesn't completely open up and show her personality except at home or Papa and Lala's house. She is becoming more friendly when we're out though. She will usually wave and say Hi and Bye to people in stores, of course she usually says bye when the people are out of ear shot. Peyton is a very sweet, loving, playful, and hilarious little girl. We love her so very much and are so proud to be her parents!!!