Friday, April 20, 2012


We've known for awhile that Peyton was a bit of a daredevil.  She loves when you pretend to drop her or being thrown up in the air.  Well, she recently started putting a blanket over her head and walking/running around!  She thinks it's so funny!  She's a crazy, hilarious, little girl, but we love her!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Playing Outside

The weather has been so nice lately, we've been trying to take advantage before the summer heat hits us. Peyton loves being outside! She loves picking flowers and petals off plants (that may be our neighbors plant....don't tell!)
This little ledge makes a perfect seat to check out her loot!
So sweet, she even shares with me :)
Oops, and then it goes into her mouth.

Getting Around

I guess Peyton is ready to move from just walking to quicker, more fun ways to get around like....

Getting pushed around by your cousin

or driving...who said 15 months was too young to drive?


So, it's looking like we're going to have to teach Peyton how to behave like a lady. I don't think she's got it down quite yet...

Just Chillin

Just chill in on the couch with my pal Mickey, texting my friends.

Pure cheese :)

Manual Labor

Peyton has been in our lives for an incredible 15 months. She has rolled over, crawled, walked, but there is one thing she hasn't done yet....

Manual labor! And we think it's about time she start earning her keep!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reading Chair

Peyton has developed a love of books, and I couldn't be happier about it. Now, whenever she gets a book out to read, she either comes and sits in my lap, or she goes and sits in her chair :) It's so cute! I guess books are too important to read just anywhere!