Saturday, August 20, 2011

Almost Crawling

Peyton is soooo close to crawling! For awhile now, Peyton has been pretty good about getting around to wherever she wants by rolling, twisting on her stomach, or occasionally army crawl for a foot if she really wants something. Well, a few days ago, she finally got up on all fours and has even progressed to rocking on all fours. She can't quite figure out what to do next, but you can tell it's really frustrating. She'll be on her stomach, put her head down and just push her butt up and try to propel herself forward. Other times, when she's on all fours, she'll try to push with her toes, but she ends up in an upside down V with her arms and feet on the ground and her butt in the air. Lots of times she looks like a little worm, trying to wriggle her way around. Poor thing, if she is tired, she gets really frustrated when she can't move.

She has also recently learned to pull up if you give her your fingers to hold onto. She loves doing this and will try to pull up any time she can get ahold of your finger. She has quite the little death grip, and my fingers have started turning blue because she holds on so tight! She is a little wobbly on her feet (sometimes because she stands on her tip toes instead of her feet), but it doesn't seem to bother her. I think if she were able to go straight to walking, she would definitely prefer that!

We are anxious to see her crawl around, but not quite ready for the change that will come with her being mobile!!

Here are a couple of videos!

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