Sunday, September 4, 2011

Things Peyton is Doing

Here are a few things Peyton is doing right now that I don't want to forget.

  • She loves to eat/gum/chew on fabric. When she takes her bath, I give her the washcloth when I'm done to let her chew on, and she loves it. She'll stuff it in her mouth, happy as can be.
  • She loves strings and straps. She has a toy, wooden dog that has a string to pull it. She will grab the string, put it in her mouth and then continue playing with the dog with the string still in her mouth.
  • She is very trusting when you hold her. She rarely holds onto your shirt or arm. Most of the time, her arms are straight out like an airplane.
  • She has started really kicking her legs, especially when she's on her back and on her changing table. It's pretty funny because she slams her legs down and just kicks over and over. It is NOT so funny when you're trying to change her diaper when she does this!
  • She still loves her sippy cup and is finally actually drinking some water from it!!! She still spills quite a bit because she likes to chew on the spout with the cup tipped over and water spills out, but at least she's drinking some too! It "only" took 3 months for her to figure it out!
  • She likes almost all baby food that we've introduced. She definitely likes some more than others. She tends to like vegetables better than fruits.
  • She has started arching her back like crazy. She does it when she's on the floor, when you're holding her (she'll just throw herself backwards), when she's in her high chair. I think she prefers to see things upside down...or she just likes the way it feels when the blood rushes to her head!

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