This was our Christmas to go to Georgia, but we weren't quite ready to get on a plane with Peyton; so, we decided to stay home for her first Christmas (we also were able to spend 5 days with the Walkers on the cruise a couple weeks before Christmas). This was my sister's Christmas to spend with her in-laws, and my parents had already made plans to go visit my dad's family up in Washington since we were all going to be gone. This meant, it was just the 3 of us for Christmas! I was a little sad that we wouldn't have any other family around, but it ended up being a blessing.
Our poor little girl was sick for her first Christmas :( Friday night, we noticed a rash covering her stomach and back. It didn't seem to be itching her too badly, but we tried to give her Benadryl just in case. That didn't seem to have any impact on the rash; so, we called the on call doctor. She said it sounded like it was just a viral rash that would go away within 24 - 48 hours, and there was nothing we could do for it. Saturday morning, she woke up in a fussier mood than normal. After her first nap, I noticed that the rash was now on her face and her legs :( She was also starting to get really fussy and clingy. I panicked and took her into urgent care. The doctor said the same thing....viral rash, nothing could be done. Sigh. She slept really well Saturday night and late Sunday morning (Christmas). She was still fussier than normal, but we quickly had her "open" all her presents so that we could get pictures and document this special day. She ended up taking the longest nap of her life of 3 hrs and 15 minutes!! I think this is an accurate statement because when she was a new born, we had to wake her ever 3 hrs to eat. When she woke up, we noticed this scary looking blister on the very tip of her middle finger. It was brown and looked like it had been burned or had frost bite or gangrene. It was SCARY! Even Matt started to get worried at this point. When Matt starts to worry, I start to REALLY worry because he never worries!! We call the on call doctor again, yep, that's right, on Christmas Day. Poor woman, but she was very nice. She said it sounded like Hand Foot Mouth, which is just a virus and there is nothing to do but wait it out. Sierra may have had that also and the two of them were together the weekend before; so, this made sense. We looked up pictures online and didn't really find any that looked like hers (again, her's was scary and looked like her finger was going to fall off). Our doctor's office was going to be open Monday afternoon, and we decided we would take her in if it still looked bad or spread. Peyton slept well Sunday night and woke up Monday still pretty fussy. However, my Monday afternoon she was starting to be back to her normal, sweet, happy self and her blister was flesh colored now! By Tuesday morning, she was completely back to normal!Poor little girl! Hopefully, next Christmas she will be healthy!Here are a few pictures from that day (notice how sad and sleepy her eyes look :( ).
Opening presents.
Such a sad face :(

Peyton skyped with Nana and Granddaddy.
Playing with her new toys after her long nap!
Choo Choo! Better get out of her way!

Yumm tic tacs!
Here is the one sweet picture we got of her on Christmas.

I'm so sorry Peyton was sick on Christmas!! Poor little thing. :( I'm glad she got better after a couple days... And it looks like santa was good to her!
ReplyDeletePoor munchkin :(. She did look tired and sad... Until after that marathon nap! So glad it wasn't serious.