Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Looking Out

Peyton loves looking out the window, and on this day, her bunny decided to join her!

I guess she got a little hungry looking out the window!

Monday, November 28, 2011


We went to Poppa and Lala's house for Thanksgiving. Tia, Tio, Sierra, and Reid were all there too. It was a full house, and we had lots of fun!

Lala played with Sierra and Peyton on the iPad.

Jen, Sierra, and Lala had dress up time with some awesome hats.

Meanwhile, Poppa and Reid had some boy bonding time...with a train of course.

It was so fun to see the kids interact with each other and the "grown up" more. Peyton is definitely starting to get more interested in Reid.

Sierra is getting old enough to "help" cook. Here she is waiting patiently to help Lala cook.

Here is Reid was just chilling in his car. He's probably wondering where his turkey dinner is!

Peyton is also thinking, "hmmm, how can I create a distraction and eat some of that bourbon pumpkin pie?"

I'm not a fan of the bow (that was all Lala), but such a sweet picture of Peyton and her Daddy.

Love our family!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Peyton's First Step!

Peyton took her first step today!! It happened so fast I almost didn't catch it. Mary Anne had just gotten here and we were sitting on the floor in the kitchen talking. Peyton was standing by me when all of a sudden she takes two steps toward Mary Anne. It didn't even register what she had done until Mary Anne looked up at me with this big smile. Then it hit me, my baby just walked! It was very exciting!! We clapped for Peyton and told her good job, and she seemed quite please with herself :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Peyton found my empty root beer bottle and went to town with it!

Drinking while looking out the window.

Drinking sitting down.

Who me? Drinking?

Bath Fun!

Aunt Heather

My life long friend (literally, since we met in the hospital the day I was born...Heather had already been in the little baby bins for a whole day when I arrived), Heather, was in town visiting from New York and asked to watch Peyton one day while we were at work. We of course took her up on her offer! Peyton loved Heather from the first time she saw her this trip (they met when Peyton was just weeks old, but I'm not sure Peyton remembered)! She always had a sweet smile for her :)

Peyton wanted to dictate the rest of this post (she would have typed it herself, but she's only 10 months old); so, here she goes!

I had so much fun with my Aunt Heather! She came over and spent lots of time with me! We read lots of books, she tickled me and made me laugh.

She kept putting things on my head, like this bucket thingy.

But I took it off!

Then she put this star on my head...

Once she put the circle on my head, I figured there was no point in fighting it... I just sat still and smiled pretty.

She is so silly!! I just kept laughing at her!

Me and my Aunt Heather!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Bear and Me at 10 Months

Well Bear, what do you say we get this over with quickly? We've got places to go and people to see.


Thursday, November 10, 2011


What's that? You want me to smile?

How's this?

Seriously? That was a fake smile? Okay, I'll try again.


Monday, November 7, 2011

First Tooth!

We have thought Peyton was teething since she was about 4 months old (look back at this post), and yet there has been no tooth until a couple weeks ago! We were so excited to see it! So, at just past 9 months, Peyton got her first tooth (if you look really close you can see it). A few days later, we saw another one starting to come in right next to it! It isn't big enough to really see in the picture, but you'll just have to trust me. Well, we went to the doctor for Peyton's 9 month check up a couple weeks late, and the doctor said she's getting 4 more teeth up on top! Can you believe that? It took more than 9 months to get one tooth, and she may have 6 by the time she's 10ish months! Poor girl, it must hurt so badly, but she's a trooper!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Peyton's 1st Halloween

Peyton was a puppy for her first Halloween. I wasn't sure how she would react to the costume, mostly to the hood, but she did great! It didn't seem to bother her at all. That being said, the picture below is the only one we got where she smiled. She was in a very mellow/serious mood (except when she would squeal watching Sierra fun around).

We went over to Tia and Tio's house to take pictures with Reid and Sierra. Isn't Reid the cutest, little, green monster you've ever seen?

Sierra was adorable as a cat!

Love this picture (Matt took it). I love her little tail :)

Proud mommy and daddy with their little puppy.

Poor little puppy was so sad when she realized she didn't get to go trick or treating or eat any candy.

Our attempt at a picture with all three kiddos. One is looking at the ground, one looks so least Sierra is smiling and looking at the camera with her fists full of leaves!

Leaves everywhere!

Peyton isn't too sure about the little green monster. Reid, on the other hand, just wanted to play with the little puppy.

Cats and dogs can get along! I love both of their faces in this picture.

This is Peyton's "are we finished yet" face.

Much more comfortable now. It may be October 31, but we live in Texas, and it was warm!
Next year should be fun; Peyton will get to actually trick or treat!

Peyton's Pumpkin Patch

I'd been wanting to take Peyton to a real pumpkin patch, but all the cool ones were farther than I wanted to go. Finally, I found one in town! It was just a small one at a Methodist church, but it served its purpose of taking fun pictures!

Matt had a hockey game; so, Poppa and LaLa came with us!

Here are some of my favorite pictures!

We had to say goodbye to the scarecrow on the way out. Peyton tried to eat him (no surprise there)!

I played around with the photo effects and love the way the one below came out! It's my favorite from that day.