Monday, November 7, 2011

First Tooth!

We have thought Peyton was teething since she was about 4 months old (look back at this post), and yet there has been no tooth until a couple weeks ago! We were so excited to see it! So, at just past 9 months, Peyton got her first tooth (if you look really close you can see it). A few days later, we saw another one starting to come in right next to it! It isn't big enough to really see in the picture, but you'll just have to trust me. Well, we went to the doctor for Peyton's 9 month check up a couple weeks late, and the doctor said she's getting 4 more teeth up on top! Can you believe that? It took more than 9 months to get one tooth, and she may have 6 by the time she's 10ish months! Poor girl, it must hurt so badly, but she's a trooper!

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