Monday, November 11, 2013

Austin's 6 - 7.5 Week

I remember Peyton's sixth week being one of her roughest and reading that this is generally regarded as the peak of infant's fussiness; so, I was prepared (as prepared as you can be) for Austin to have a rough week.  Well, he didn't disappoint ;)  He had been sleeping 4 - 5 hr stretches of sleep at night, but reverted back to waking up every 3 hrs from when he started eating.  He continued this for about a week and a half until he finally started sleeping for longer stretches again.  He only had one really bad night where he was wide awake from midnight until 4 AM.  We are very glad that we are past that particular "milestone" of peaked fussiness, and hope that he doesn't revert back to it any more!

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