I asked Peyton about a month before Halloween what she wanted to be, and she answered, "a blue baa". I loved how perfectly Peyton that was, but I doubted that she would stick with that answer; so, I didn't worry about her costume quite yet. After Sierra's princess party, I was sure that Peyton would say she wanted to be a princess for Halloween (I was not looking forward to that), but to my surprise, when I asked her again she replied "a blue baa". She even told her teachers at school that she was going to be a blue baa. So, I had to begin searching for a blue baa/sheep costume. Let me tell you, this does not exist! I settled for a white sheep costume and a blue knit sheep hat that I figure she can wear for years to come.
I first attempted to dye the costume blue, but it just turned a dirty lavender color. I then spray painted it. It wasn't the best paint job (you can still see a bit of dirty lavender, and it smelled a little), but hey, it was the best we could do!
Peyton's school had a Halloween parade and lunch on the 30th, and Lala, Austin, and I were able to go. It was so much fun to see Peyton and all her friends dressed up!

And it was so fun to get to squeeze into the tiny chairs to have lunch with her Such fun treats they had...pumpkin shaped sandwich, ghost bananas, pumpkin oranges, and pumpkin cookies!
Austin slept the entire time we were there! He and purple baa were worn out ;)
I'm not at all biased, but she was definitely the cutest one there!!

And it was so fun to get to squeeze into the tiny chairs to have lunch with her Such fun treats they had...pumpkin shaped sandwich, ghost bananas, pumpkin oranges, and pumpkin cookies!
Even I enjoyed a yummy cookie with my coffee :)
Austin slept the entire time we were there! He and purple baa were worn out ;)
I'm not at all biased, but she was definitely the cutest one there!!
On actual Halloween day, Tia, Tio, Sierra, Reid, Poppa, and Lala all came over to go trick or treating with us which was so much fun! Peyton was definitely more into trick or treating this year, and it was really fun to watch. Multiple people asked Peyton what she was dressed up as, and when she responded, "a blue baa", she got quite a few blank stares. I love my unique little girl! She's definitely opinionated and knows just what she likes! A great trait to have (in my opinion) ;)
Peyton the blue baa
Princess Sierra
Pirate Reid
Her first taste of Twizzlers...she was a fan!
Silly/crazy Poppa. Trying to be scary for Halloween.
Austin wasn't scared at all ;)
I asked Peyton to hold my hand at one point, and she said, "No, Tio's!" The three of them sure look cute!
Our little blue baa with a blue lollipop.
Peyton the blue baa
Her first taste of Twizzlers...she was a fan!
Silly/crazy Poppa. Trying to be scary for Halloween.
Austin wasn't scared at all ;)
Silly, sweet girls :)
Our little blue baa with a blue lollipop.
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