2) Current Work People
3) Former Work People/Friends (I may not work there anymore, but the friendships that were made in those 4.5 years will surely last a long time)
The friends and family shower was hosted by Tera, Jen R, Jen F, Jen V (yep,
that’s right, 3 different Jens), Carolyn, Kirstine, Lindsay, and my momma. I cannot tell you how blown away I was with this
Tera, Mel & Jen

These girls thought of every single detail…it looked like it had been professionally planned! The theme of the shower was birds, and it was carried out in every aspect of the show
er (right down to the music)!
I am truly blessed to have so many true, loving friends in my life.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures from Showers #2 or #3, but we had a great time and ate a lot of yummy food! Thank you to all my coworkers for their generosity! Thanks Katie for helping organize and Susanne for hosting at your house (which is beautiful by the way)!
You are so welcome!!! It was lots of fun to plan and the "no pink" challenge actually made it even more fun.