Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peyton Predictions

**Guest Post from Jen Ramirez**

At the shower that we threw for Melissa back in November, Lindsay Powell made up Peyton Predictions for everyone to fill out. I thought it would be nice to get these predictions out in the open before she arrives - we don't want anyone misrepresenting what they guessed after all. Also, I asked Melissa to make her own predictions. Granted I just did that today (1/12/11), so her birth date guess is a little skewed. Note that comments in parenthesis are strictly my own & do not represent the views of Peyton or Peyton's Mom.

Birth Date - I highlighted those ladies still in the running

  • Carolyn Birge: 1/14/11

  • Lindsay Powell: 1/4/11

  • Kirstine Flores: 1/1/11

  • Jen Vieiro: 1/10/11

  • Jen Ramirez: 12/31/10 (so optimistic)

  • Tera Highbarger: 1/6/11

  • Debbi Highbarger: 12/31/10 - good for taxes or 1/11/11 (hedging her bets)

  • Star Stroker: 1/15/11

  • Nana: 12/31/10

  • Grandmama: 12/31/10

  • Abuela: 1/11/11
  • Jen F. (Peyton's Aunt): 1/11/11

  • Debika Sihi: 1/4/11

  • Kim Tillinghast: 1/7/11

  • Brook Riley: 1/10/11

  • Melissa Walker "Peyton's Mom": 1/13/11

Birth Time

  • Carolyn: 7:15pm

  • Lindsay: 3:02am

  • Kirstine: 1am

  • Jen V.: 7pm

  • Jen R.: 7:12pm

  • Tera: 3pm

  • Debbi: 11:59

  • Star: 5am

  • Nana: 9pm

  • Grandmama: 11:50

  • Abuela: 7am

  • Debika: 7:45am

  • Kim: 7pm

  • Brook: 4:55pm

  • "Peyton's Mom": 4:15pm

Birth Weight/Length

  • Carolyn: 7lbs, 2oz & 20.5 inches

  • Lindsay: 7lbs, 10oz & 19 inches

  • Kirstine: 8lbs, 4oz & 21 inches

  • Jen V.: 8lb, 2 oz & 20.5 inches

  • Jen R.: 7lbs, 3oz & 20 inches

  • Tera: 7lbs, 2oz & 20.5 inches

  • Debbi: 6lbs, 6oz & 17 inches

  • Star: 7lbs, 6oz & 20 inches

  • Nana: 7lbs, 6oz & 19 inches

  • Grandmama: 7lbs, 7oz & 21 inches

  • Abuela: 7lbs, 11oz & 20 inches
  • Jen F. (Peyton's Aunt): 7lbs, 10 oz

  • Debika: 8lbs, 3oz & 19 inches

  • Kim: 7lbs, 10oz & 20 inches

  • Brook: 7lbs & 19 inches

  • "Peyton's Mom": 8lbs, 2oz & 20 inches

Peyton's First Steps

  • Carolyn: 10 months

  • Lindsay: 12 months, 1 week

  • Kirstine: 11 months

  • Jen V.: 11.5 months

  • Jen R.: 10 months

  • Tera: 12 months

  • Debbi: 7 months

  • Star: 11 months

  • Nana: 11 months

  • Grandmama: 12 months

  • Abuela: 12 months

  • Debika: 11 months

  • Kim: 10 months

  • Brook: 1/10/2012 (about 12 months)

  • "Peyton's Mom": 12 months

Peyton's First Word

  • Carolyn: 11 months

  • Lindsay: 18 months

  • Kirstine: 15 months

  • Jen V.: 11 months

  • Jen R.: 11 months

  • Tera: 10 months

  • Debbi: 3 months

  • Star: 9 months, "DaDa", "ByeBye"

  • Nana: 13 months

  • Grandmama: 13 months

  • Abuela: "Abuela"

  • Debika: 14 months

  • Kim: "Mama"

  • Brook: "Momma"

  • "Peyton's Mom": "Dada"

First Time to go Shooting with Dad

  • Carolyn: 11

  • Lindsay: 4

  • Kirstine: 8

  • Jen V.: N/A - she won't be interested in shooting! :)

  • Jen R.: 4

  • Tera: 18 months

  • Debbi: 18 years old, per Melissa

  • Star: 6

  • Nana: 6 months

  • Grandmama: 6 years

  • Abuela: 5

  • Debika: 6

  • Kim: 5

  • Brook: 1/10/2012 (about 12 months)

  • "Peyton's Mom": 3

First Date

  • Carolyn: 15

  • Lindsay: 15

  • Kirstine: 16

  • Jen V.: 16

  • Jen R.: 16

  • Tera: 14

  • Debbi: 15

  • Star: 16, Dad will go too!

  • Nana: 18

  • Grandmama: 18

  • Abuela: 17

  • Debika: 16

  • Kim: 16

  • Brook: 2027

  • "Peyton's Mom": 18

Will Peyton look more like Melissa or Matt?

  • Carolyn: Matt

  • Lindsay: Melissa

  • Kirstine: Melissa

  • Jen V.: Melissa

  • Jen R.: Melissa

  • Tera: Melissa

  • Debbi: Melissa

  • Star: Melissa

  • Nana: Melissa

  • Grandmama: Matthew

  • Abuela: Matt

  • Debika: Melissa

  • Kim: Melissa

  • Brook: Mix

  • "Peyton's Mom": Melissa

Will Peyton be a Longhorn? (What kind of question is this? Duh)

  • EVERYONE put YES!!!! There were some smart ladies in attendance (and a LOT of Longhorns), clearly.

  • Melissa stipulates "unless she gets a full ride to Harvard"

What will Peyton be when she grows up?

  • Carolyn: Architect

  • Lindsay: SASsy Girl! (an auditor, for those of you not in on the lingo)

  • Kirstine: a Codehead! (a tax accountant, again, for those of you who are not nerdy CPAs)

  • Jen V.: a Writer

  • Jen R.: Not an accountant (guess who loves their job!!!)

  • Tera: Architect

  • Debbi: Architect

  • Star: A Beautiful lady Inside and Out!

  • Nana: Doctor

  • Grandmama: Movie Star

  • Abuela: A woman (way to play it safe there Abuela)

  • Debika: Dancer, so she can shake her booty like her daddy

  • Kim: Brilliant in every way

  • Brook: Something with numbers

  • "Peyton's Mom": Whatever she wants to be, but preferably not an accountant. Who would wish that kind of stressful life on their child.

I apologize if some people are currently left off - I think some of the predictions went missing. If you want to e-mail me new predictions, send them to Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jen!!! I LOVE it!!! I'm surprised by all the people thinking Peyton will be an architect...I guess they figure she'll take after her Dad and his love of buildings instead of her mom and her love of numbers and reading ;)
