I can't believe it's been over three weeks since Peyton was born. It seems like she's been here forever and yet it also seems like she's been here such a short amount of time. These three weeks have definitely been a blur, but we are so blessed to have amazing family and friends that love us and Peyton and have been such a huge help! Abuelita/Lala has spent numerous days and nights at our house to help out with cooking, cleaning, caring for the little one and me :) My good friend Jen R came up one Friday night to spend the night and take the night shift, cook some yummy tortilla soup and pigs in a blanket, watch Peyton while Matt and I grabbed a quick bite to eat for dinner, brought yummy Teddy Grahams to eat, and took some amazing pictures of the cutie pie. My best friend Tera took a day off of work to spend the day with us, cook dinner, do laundry, and help out wherever needed. Multiple people have brought us dinner; so, we don't have to worry about what we are going to eat. My sister has come over to help out and give me great advice. Poppa worked from our house one afternoon to help out. And Nana came all the way from Georgia to spend a few days with us. Countless other people have come by to bring things and help out (I apologize for not naming everyone, but please know it has been very appreciated!!)

During the last three weeks, Peyton has been on numerous walks (thank you Austin weather!), made two trips to Poppa and Lala's house, gone to the doctor three times, "eaten" brunch at Jack Allen's Kitchen, "walked" around UT campus to see Daddy's job site, experienced her first snow, and entertained many people (some that came as far as New York to meet her! thanks Heather!)

Peyton's personality is really beginning to show. She has started smiling and "talking"/cooing at us! We are fairly confident that she is smiling in response to us and not just gas ;) She also loves her little bear on her play mat...he gets lots of smiles from her :) Each time she smiles, we catch a glimpse into what it will be like as she gets older and interacts with us even more! It is going to be so much fun!!

Peyton is really a very good baby. She has gone 4 and 4 1/2 hours between feedings a handful of times at night, and generally only cries when she is hungry, dirty, or in pain (needing to burp or upset stomach). She will sit in her bouncy chair or pack 'n play by herself and be perfectly content for a little while. Of course, she does have her "off" days and moments, but for the most part, she is a very good 3 1/2 week old! Can't wait to see what she will be like at 4 1/2 weeks!
Such a cutie pie!!! She's already changed so much from our night together : ) Love all the pictures of her sleeping on everyone, especially her curled up on your dad. They're so compact & cuddly at that age.
ReplyDeleteWhat a little cuddly bunny!! You ARE blessed beyond belief with all the outpouring of love from family and friends... I can't wait to get my hands
ReplyDeleteon that little bundle of love again!
Thurs. nite?