Friday, January 7, 2011


Peyton is due on January 9…today is January 7; so, that is still 2 days away. Why is it then that I feel like she is 1 – 2 weeks late? Well, I got my hopes and expectations up that she would come early. Things began happening early (I’ll spare everyone details) that pointed to the fact that my body was already starting to prepare…I’m talking almost 4 weeks ago! Now, I really shouldn’t be all that surprised since I am a planner and like to make sure things are in order and planned out as much as possible, as early as possible. There were also the countless people that told me I would have her early (really, what is this based on but conjecture?). And the big reason I thought she’d come early….to get the tax deduction! I mean, I am a tax accountant after all! What kind of a tax accountant am I if my child is born at the beginning of January, as opposed to the end of December (apparently, I’m not a very good one)?

Well, I feel like I have been anxiously waiting for the past 2 ½ weeks. With each day that passes, I’m a little disappointed and a little relieved since I’m still a little apprehensive about being completely responsible for another human being. Well, my good friend Jen gave me the idea to blog about the things we’ve done while “waiting for Peyton”, and I think it’s a great idea to focus on the things we have been able to do and the obvious reasons why last week was not a good time for her to come out. So, here it goes!

1) Matt, my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and niece were all sick the week between Christmas and New Years. I cannot imagine how difficult it would have been to go through labor with a sick husband (would they even allow him to be in the delivery room?) and the days after with so many sick family members! It is a good thing that I didn’t get “my way”! God definitely has better timing than me!

2) We were able to spend New Year’s Eve out with my best friend, Tera, her boyfriend and friends downtown! Well, let me clarify, we ate dinner downtown. Matt and I opted out of staying down there afterwards, but hey, at least we went out! We actually made it home in time to see the ball drop in NYC before crashing! That’s better than last year!

3) For Christmas, my sister and I gave my mom a night out with us! We were going to go to dinner and then paint pottery afterwards. We planned this for the week after Christmas and were able to go on December 30! It was such a fun time to be out with just the three of us, especially because it will probably be awhile before we get to do that again since Peyton is due any day now, my sister has a 15 month old and a baby on the way, due in June!

4) Matt and I have been able to enjoy some one on one time before we become a family of 3! We’ve gone out to eat at a yummy Japanese place by us (hibachi, not sushi) and eaten at Hula Hut. Who knows where else we’ll go to if she waits a few more days!

5) I’ve been able to get a lot of work done that my boss would have otherwise had to do. Now, this isn’t as happy of a thing as the previous items (at least not for me, I’m sure it is for my boss!), but it makes me feel better about leaving work at a good place. This upcoming weeks is one of the busiest of the year, and I was feeling pretty guilty about not being here to help out, but I’ve been able to get a lot of the prep work done and may even finish most of the actual work next week, if I’m here!

6) We were able to spend the morning with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, brother-in-law's brother and his wife, at the Austin farmer's market. It was a beautiful day to be outside!

That’s all I’ve got for now! The doctor is going to induce on Thursday, January 13; so, if she doesn’t come earlier, at least we know she’ll be here by then!


  1. way to hang in there, sis! the waiting is not easy, the false expectations are hard ...but i LOVE the perspective with which you are seeing this time. you will look back and be so glad that you had it...and like you said, God always knows the perfect timing! once she's here, these weeks of waiting will seem so far away it won't be a big deal anymore - you'll have your baby girl in your arms :)

  2. Hi Melissa, The Northwest Yang's are eagerly awaiting Peyton, too! It is so special to be able to read your blog. I can feel a little bit a part of the anticipation and joy that is Peyton! Wish we were closer to share in more. Love you (all 3) and prayers always, Vicki

  3. WOW! I didn't know that I could just wish for a blog and it would actually happen! Hmmmmm....what do I want next?

  4. I confess to building up those hopes of Peyton coming early :(
    She will be here at the latest by thurs... woooohoooo! go Peyton, go Peyton!!! and go Mel, go Mel :)
