Peyton began rolling over Memorial Day weekend. She has gotten quite good at rolling from her back to her front, but she doesn't always roll from her front to back (even though she did that first months ago). What tends to happen is she will roll onto her stomach and hang out there for a little while, then decide she doesn't want to be on her stomach anymore, and will start to cry. She is perfectly capable of rolling onto her back, but 75% of the time, she will just cry until someone rolls her back. The funny thing is, once you flip her back onto her back, a lot of times she will immediately roll onto her stomach again! What a stinker!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Stuffed Animals
Peyton went to her first hockey game last weekend! Matt plays in a hockey league, and we've been wanting to go watch for awhile, but the times of the games don't usually work out (9pm on a weeknight is just a little too late for us!) This past Saturday, Matt had a game at 4:45...perfect! So, Peyton and I ventured up north (about a 35 minute drive) to go watch him play! Peyton fell asleep in the car and didn't get to see Daddy before his game to wish him luck, but he got to see her and pose for a quick picture!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Peyton at 5 Months
Peyton continues to be such a sweet, happy little girl! She is still very quick to give you a smile or a little laugh. She seems to like most and babies are another story! She is starting to develop a little temper and will quickly let you know if she is not happy, or does not like what you are doing. She is not easily distracted when she is upset, which can be challenging. We think that she is really starting to teeth the past few days because she has been extra "temperamental". She is definitely a girl because she can go from happy, smiling and laughing to crying in an instant! I worry what the teenage years will be like!
Peyton still doesn't sleep very consistently at night or during naps. She takes 3 - 4 naps a day ranging from 30 minutes to almost 2 hours (very rarely). She will typically sleep for just 30 - 45 minutes. At night, she typically goes to sleep around 7 pm and will usually wake up in the 5 o'clock hour crying. We put her paci in, and she will usually sleep for another 30 minutes to an hour. We continue this process until we are ready to get her up at 6:30 or 7 in the morning. The past week, she has begun waking up around 9:30 pm clue why. We give her her paci, and she goes right back to sleep.
Peyton still loves her milk :) She is getting much better with her cereal, but we are still working on eating our baby food. She has tried sweet potatoes and peas and seems to prefer the peas. I, on the other hand, almost threw up the first time I fed her peas. The color combined with the smell was almost too much for me. I may let the nanny feed her the peas from now on, and I'll stick with the other baby food :)
Peyton still loves to be outside and go for walks! She is full of smiles when we are on our morning walks (it is WAY too hot here to be outside in the afternoons). She also is a lounger :) She will just sit/recline in your lap, with her arm on top of your arm for quite awhile. When she is in her exersaucer, she will alternate between leaning forward to play with the toys to leaning back and just "lounging". It's pretty cute :)
She is so much fun, and we are loving being her parents!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Anyone that knows me well knows that I LOVE to read. As long as I can remember, I have loved to read. When I was a kid, I used to stay up until 2 in the morning reading under the covers with a flash light so that my parents wouldn't catch me and make me go to sleep! I have also been known to start reading a book and not put it down until I finished. Many sleepless nights have occurred because of a good book.
Anyway, I desperately want Peyton to share this love of books and reading; so, we have been reading to her for awhile (also trying to teach her some spanish words).
Just when I think she is starting to get the hang of "reading" and what to do with books....

she proves me wrong!

Oh well, we still have time!
Peyton's Faces
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Bald Spot
Peyton has had this lovely bald spot on the back of her head for awhile now. I've been careful not to photograph her from directly behind because it isn't her most attractive angle. However, since I want to use this blog to document her growing up and to remember everything I can about the various stages of her life, I figured I may as well show what she looks like from all angles....even from behind. Enjoy!
Introducing Reid Wesley Frazier!
My sister had her second baby early Saturday morning! She went into the hospital Friday afternoon, and since Poppa and La La both wanted to be there, someone needed to stay with Sierra. Matt stayed home to watch Peyton, and I went out to my parents' house to stay with Sierra. We figured it was going to be a long, late night; so, I brought clothes to spend the night. I woke up at 2:45 am to a text that Reid had been born!!! Saturday morning, I went home and Matt, Peyton and I went up to the hospital to meet the new family member!
So excited to meet her new cousin, Reid!

Meet Reid Wesley Frazier!
Peyton meeting Reid for the first time.
(I must be honest. Even though it looks like Peyton is looking at Reid, she is actually looking at Kyle, who is standing out of the view of the camera. She seemed more interested in the adults than the baby, but I'll pretend!)
Whoa Dad, did you see this? Reid is so cool! Look how little and adorable he is!
Aw Mom, do we have to go already?

We are so excited for Tia (Jen), Tio (Kyle) and Sierra for the new addition to their family, and we can't wait to hang out for many years to come!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Last weekend we took Peyton to Cabela's for the first time. Usually when we take Peyton out, we either carry her, or we bring her in her car seat. Since Cabela's is such a big store, we decided to bring the stroller. I love how she was holding on with her right hand (I think she was scared the "stuffed" animals were going to eat her).
On our way in to see the "stuffed" animals.
Daddy explaining how he hunts those deer.
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