Friday, June 17, 2011


Peyton went to her first hockey game last weekend! Matt plays in a hockey league, and we've been wanting to go watch for awhile, but the times of the games don't usually work out (9pm on a weeknight is just a little too late for us!) This past Saturday, Matt had a game at 4:45...perfect! So, Peyton and I ventured up north (about a 35 minute drive) to go watch him play! Peyton fell asleep in the car and didn't get to see Daddy before his game to wish him luck, but he got to see her and pose for a quick picture!

She woke up; so, we got all bundled up to brave the COLD hockey rink!

Peyton really seemed to enjoy the game! I think she liked the fast paced action. Once I got her out of her car seat, she started to actually squeal! We will definitely be back to watch more games!

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