Monday, March 28, 2011
Peyton Laughing
Here's a link to a video of Peyton laughing. Matt was making this noise, and she would just crack up! It was the sweetest thing ever!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Naked Time!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Peyton at 2 Months
We went to the doctor yesterday for Peyton's 2 month check up, and the little girl is growing! She is 23.5 inches long (75 - 80%) and 13 lbs 9.6 oz (85 - 90%). She eats about 5 - 6 oz every 2.5 - 3 hrs (generally around 7 am, 9:30 am, noon, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 8 pm and then sometime between 3:30 and 5:30). We are trying to get her on some sort of a schedule since I will be going back to work shortly :( She is doing very well at night, sleeping about 7 hrs on average, but she does not nap well during the day. She usually sleeps 45 minutes to an hour at a time, but occasionally will go longer (on the flip side, sometimes she sleeps for just 30 minutes).
Peyton is generally a very happy little girl. When she wakes up, she is all smiles :) I'll talk to her as I approach her crib to unswaddle her, and by the time I get there, she is smiling...makes me so happy! She LOVES to watch her mobile! I swear I could leave her in her crib with the mobile on for hours and she would probably be happy. She smiles, laughs, and talks to the animals (elephant, horse, and giraffe). It is too cute. She also still loves her sheep picture above her changing table. He gets quite a few smiles too :)
Peyton is interacting with us more and more each day, and we are having so much fun with her! Her smiles and laughter (which sound a lot like coughs) are so sweet, and we are loving being her parents!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Peyton slept for 8 hours the night before she turned 2 months old! What a great birthday present that was to us :) She then decided to wait one more week before sleeping for that long again, but she surprised us by sleeping for 9 hours!! Here's to hoping 8 - 9 hours becomes the new norm!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Pink Frilliness
As most people know, I am not a fan of pink, frilly, girly things. I was quite vocal about that when I was pregnant, as soon as we found out we were having a girl. Well, I did buy a few pink outfits that I approved of (mainly rose/mauve or a couple hot pink things), but I still steered clear of frilly and pink pink. One of our good friends from high school gave Peyton a pink frilly outfit that I put on her the other day, and I have to concede that she looks ADORABLE in it! I absolutely love the way the collar looks and she just looks so sweet! Thanks Jess for knowing better than me!!

We went to cheer Uncle Kyle on in the Austin marathon a few weeks ago, and ever since then, Peyton has decided she wants to take up running too! Check out how fast her little legs go!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Pouty Lip
I don't know how babies learn to pout, but Peyton definitely has it down! Sometimes before she starts crying, she pooches out her lower lip really's pretty cute/funny! Sometimes we can entertain her and keep her from crying. It's almost like a warning that she isn't happy and is about to cry. Too cute!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A Day of Firsts!
Note: This post has been written since February 21, and I've been waiting to download pictures before I posted it. Well, who knows when we'll get around to downloading the pictures; so, here it is without them. I'll update eventually with photos!
Peyton had a very eventful day Saturday, February was a day of firsts for her! Her first road trip (to Devine, TX about two hours away), her first birthday party to attend (Jameson's 3rd birthday!), and her first celebration of her momma's birthday!
We had a nice, lazy morning at home. Matt went out to get Melissa a gingerbread pancake from Austin Java and a hazelnut latte from The Coffee Bean for her birthday...yummmm! After we were well fed, we headed out with high hopes that Peyton would sleep on the way down. She was awake for the first 30 minutes or so of the trip, and enjoyed looking out the window taking in the lovely scenery of Slaughter Lane and IH 35. She finally fell asleep somewhere around Buda and slept almost the entire way! She did wake up crying when we stopped for gas about 15 minutes away from the Ramirezsss house; so, Melissa hopped in the back seat to calm her down and ride the rest of the trip. With just about a 3 - 5 minute crying session, we called the trip down to Devine a success!!!
We were a couple hours early for the party; so, we tried to help out where needed. Jen did an amazing job on Jameson's Super Hero 3rd Birthday Party!! Check out all the decorations and details! We may have to outsource Peyton's 1st birthday to Jen!
Peyton had a great time at the party and was very well behaved (as long as someone held her)! She got to meet James, Jameson, Mackenzie, Carolyn, Scottie, and so many other people! Mackenzie was such a great host (just like her mom), and let Peyton use her crib for a nap (sadly Peyton didn't nap for too long, but she loved the accommodation's!)
We stayed for the yummy brisket, hot dogs, potato salad, rice & beans, the cupcakes and the pinata, but had to leave before the presents were opened. Our ride back was a little more "eventful" than the ride down. Peyton slept the first half of the trip, but woke up on the north side of San Antonio screaming/crying. We pulled over into a CostCo parking lot and fed the little one. That calmed her down a little, but Melissa decided to ride in the back seat with her the rest of the way just in case. That ended up being a good thing because Peyton alternated between sleep and crying the rest of the way home. Overall, we called it a successful trip!
Peyton had a very eventful day Saturday, February was a day of firsts for her! Her first road trip (to Devine, TX about two hours away), her first birthday party to attend (Jameson's 3rd birthday!), and her first celebration of her momma's birthday!
We had a nice, lazy morning at home. Matt went out to get Melissa a gingerbread pancake from Austin Java and a hazelnut latte from The Coffee Bean for her birthday...yummmm! After we were well fed, we headed out with high hopes that Peyton would sleep on the way down. She was awake for the first 30 minutes or so of the trip, and enjoyed looking out the window taking in the lovely scenery of Slaughter Lane and IH 35. She finally fell asleep somewhere around Buda and slept almost the entire way! She did wake up crying when we stopped for gas about 15 minutes away from the Ramirezsss house; so, Melissa hopped in the back seat to calm her down and ride the rest of the trip. With just about a 3 - 5 minute crying session, we called the trip down to Devine a success!!!
We were a couple hours early for the party; so, we tried to help out where needed. Jen did an amazing job on Jameson's Super Hero 3rd Birthday Party!! Check out all the decorations and details! We may have to outsource Peyton's 1st birthday to Jen!
Peyton had a great time at the party and was very well behaved (as long as someone held her)! She got to meet James, Jameson, Mackenzie, Carolyn, Scottie, and so many other people! Mackenzie was such a great host (just like her mom), and let Peyton use her crib for a nap (sadly Peyton didn't nap for too long, but she loved the accommodation's!)
We stayed for the yummy brisket, hot dogs, potato salad, rice & beans, the cupcakes and the pinata, but had to leave before the presents were opened. Our ride back was a little more "eventful" than the ride down. Peyton slept the first half of the trip, but woke up on the north side of San Antonio screaming/crying. We pulled over into a CostCo parking lot and fed the little one. That calmed her down a little, but Melissa decided to ride in the back seat with her the rest of the way just in case. That ended up being a good thing because Peyton alternated between sleep and crying the rest of the way home. Overall, we called it a successful trip!
Love Continues :)
Since Peyton went to Starbucks last week, she has been talking nonstop about how wonderful it was! So, today I decided to introduce her to another coffee shop that I love more than Starbucks...The Coffee Bean! We got in the car and headed in that direction a little after 9:30 only to discover stopped traffic at Mopac and 360! Come on Austinites, do we really still have rush hour at 9:30? Shouldn't you people have been at work at least an hour ago?!? Well Peyton did not enjoy being stopped in traffic; so, I decided to take her to the Coffee Bean some other day and we went to Summermoon instead! This place has one of the best lattes ever!! Peyton loved it (of course)! Notice her eyeing my drink...she's definitely my daughter ;)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Love :)
Friday, March 4 was a very big day for she will remember for the rest of her life (or at least I will remind her about it). She went to STARBUCKS!!!! We have been through the Starbucks drive through many times since she was born (gotta get that caffeine), but Friday was the first time she actually went into Starbucks. Let me tell you, she LOVED it! Ok, so I may be exaggerating a little bit, but she definitely didn't hate it! I'm sure she'll grow to love it just like her momma :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Week 6 - 7
We had a rough week in the Walker family when Peyton was 6 - 7 weeks old. I'm not sure if she was going through a growth spurth, or what, but poor baby was not a happy camper (nor were mom and dad due to the lack of sleep and incessant crying/screaming). The week started with me feeling sick. That lasted a few days, and as soon as I was feeling better, Peyton started to get extremely fussy. The first night I was better, she kept waking up every 45 min to 1 hr 15 min. The next day, she wouldn't sleep for more than 30 or 45 minutes at a time, and she would wake up screaming (not crying, screaming). That next night, we decided that she needed to get sleep, at whatever cost; so, I ended up rocking her for over 2 hours. I feel asleep while rocking her, and when I woke up, I didn't want to risk moving her to her crib in case she woke up; so, I moved her in the boppy to the twin bed in our game room. I then laid down with my legs around the boppy to prevent her from rolling out/off (not that she could roll, but you never know). She ended up sleeping for four more hours! Poor girl was probably exhausted. Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to get that much sleep because I kept waking up, worried that she had rolled.
Thankfully, after a few more rough days (no more nights quite that bad), she was back to her happy self! We never did figure out what was wrong. She had happy moments interspersed with the bad ones and didn't have a fever; so, we don't think she was sick. Who knows...we were just thankful it was over!
Thankfully, after a few more rough days (no more nights quite that bad), she was back to her happy self! We never did figure out what was wrong. She had happy moments interspersed with the bad ones and didn't have a fever; so, we don't think she was sick. Who knows...we were just thankful it was over!
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