We went to the doctor yesterday for Peyton's 2 month check up, and the little girl is growing! She is 23.5 inches long (75 - 80%) and 13 lbs 9.6 oz (85 - 90%). She eats about 5 - 6 oz every 2.5 - 3 hrs (generally around 7 am, 9:30 am, noon, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 8 pm and then sometime between 3:30 and 5:30). We are trying to get her on some sort of a schedule since I will be going back to work shortly :( She is doing very well at night, sleeping about 7 hrs on average, but she does not nap well during the day. She usually sleeps 45 minutes to an hour at a time, but occasionally will go longer (on the flip side, sometimes she sleeps for just 30 minutes).
Peyton is generally a very happy little girl. When she wakes up, she is all smiles :) I'll talk to her as I approach her crib to unswaddle her, and by the time I get there, she is smiling...makes me so happy! She LOVES to watch her mobile! I swear I could leave her in her crib with the mobile on for hours and she would probably be happy. She smiles, laughs, and talks to the animals (elephant, horse, and giraffe). It is too cute. She also still loves her sheep picture above her changing table. He gets quite a few smiles too :)
Peyton is interacting with us more and more each day, and we are having so much fun with her! Her smiles and laughter (which sound a lot like coughs) are so sweet, and we are loving being her parents!!
Awww, I'm glad you're enjoying your time with her so much! And what a healthy girl in the 75-90 percentile!