It is so fun to see how much Peyton is changing from day to day! In the past few days, she has really begun to start grabbing things on purpose! I’ve been trying to get her to do this for weeks, but she wasn’t interested. Well, over the past few days, she has really picked it up! She does it the most in her bouncy chair below. She reaches for the orange monkey and will push and pull him and also the bird. It’s so fun to see the concentration in her eyes when she’s doing it! She also tries to lean forward while she’s doing this (she is going to have rock hard abs under that chunky belly!), almost like she wants to get as close as possible!
The other day, Peyton was in her car seat, and I put a toy in her lap thinking she may find a way to play with it. Sure enough, she did! She picked it up and even brought it to her mouth! I was so proud :) I’m sure that very soon I will wish she hadn’t developed this skill when she starts putting all things in her mouth, but for now, I am one proud momma!

go peyton!!! i can't believe it! just a week ago at mom's we were trying and she wasn't interested...she is developing so quickly!! way to go little one :)