Sunday, April 10, 2011


Peyton is quite the wiggler. When we put her in the middle of her crib, we would always find her right up against the close side of her crib. She would wiggle her way from the middle to the side. So, we started putting her up against the far side of the crib, and she would still work her way to the close side. Well, one morning I was surprised to find her like this...

She had managed to turn herself 90 degrees! Not an easy feat when you're swaddled. I thought this was pretty funny and impressive, until a couple days later when I found her flipped 180 degrees facing the complete opposite way!! I didn't get a picture because it was in the middle of the night, and (1) I didn't have a camera handy (2) I didn't want to wake her up anymore than necessary with the flash (3) I honestly didn't consider it until later because I was just so shocked to see her turned around!


  1. Wait until you see how much she moves when she gets UNswaddled. And they love to sleep with their faces pressed up against the's like they know about our fears of SIDS and our guilty-rule-breaking with the bumpers.

  2. It's so fun to follow your blog as I feel like you are blogging about Emily!! They seem to have the same milestones with rolling, laughing, moving in the crib, etc. I go back to work next week and am so anxious about it! I hope it goes as well as your return!
