We were lucky enough to have Nana come visit for 2 weeks and help out while Poppa and Lala were in Europe. Peyton had such a great time with Nana (and Mommy and Daddy were able to get for a couple of dates and dinners with friends)!

They hung out on the porch, rocked, and watched the birdies eat from the bird feeder.

They went on lots of walks.

They played in the exersaucer...

and even watched the royal wedding!

Granddaddy came for a couple days at the end of the two weeks too!

Thank you Nana for coming out; we LOVED having you here and can't wait for your next visit!!!

What a great Nana!!! Isn't it nice to have such wonderful grandparent-support! Not to mention for your children to have that special bond with them as they grow up.