Monday, May 23, 2011


The doctor told us to stop swaddling Peyton at her 4 month check up. I had already planned on trying to break her of this habit, and the doctor just gave me another reason to try. Peyton did really well! I would say it only took a few naps for her to really get it. We still rock her to almost sleep (not quite completely asleep, but close)...that will be our next challenge, putting her down for naps and bedtime when she is still awake! I think we will wait until she's 5 months to try this one. I've tried a couple times and it was disastrous.

Since we stopped swaddling her, Matt and I LOVE to watch her sleep! She looks so sweet all sprawled out! It's almost like she wants to stretch out as much as possible now that she isn't swaddled. Isn't she just too cute?!?


  1. Oh, I love THAT look too!! So relaxed. James always says it looks like they've just "given up", like, "Take me sleep!" Once they start rolling on to their tummy you see less of this look, but I did catch Kenzie just like this last night. Of course, I'm too scared to get a picture.
