My friend Jen helped me register when I was pregnant and suggested I register for this toy giraffe. She claimed that it was babies loved it, and the rubber it is made of is "like crack for babies" (no lie, direct quote from Jen). So, I registered for Sophie (yep, the giraffe has a name), and my lifelong friend, Heather, and her mom bought it for Peyton! Well, I decided to bring it out a few days ago to see if Peyton was interested. Sure enough, as soon as I squeaked it, she smiled one of her huge, gummy smiles at it! She also reached out and grabbed Sophie and immediately brought her to her mouth. I thought she would gnaw or suck on Sophie, but no, Peyton decided to lick her instead. I was already joking that Sophie is like a dog toy since she is rubber and squeaks, and then what does my baby do, but lick her! Oh boy ;)

What can I say, the French know how to make a good baby toy (& croissants). I stepped on our Sophie this morning while going to get Kenzie out of her crib and it scared the crud out of me!